Charity Clay Shoot To Benefit Builders Care
SUITE TALK September 26, 2018 admin

Lee BIA Builders Care has opened registration for its second annual Charity Clay Shoot, a lively charity tournament that helps fund critical housing repairs for local homeowners in need.
The event will be held Friday, Nov. 30 at Bermont Shooting Club, 40571 Bermont Road in Punta Gorda, where individual shooters and teams will navigate a 14-station course. Registration and check-in begins at 9 a.m. and the tournament starts at 10 a.m. The event will be followed by a barbecue luncheon at 1 p.m., with live music, prize drawings and an awards ceremony to recognize the top individuals and teams.
Proceeds will support Builders Care, the nonprofit charitable arm of the Lee Building Industry Association and its efforts to provide emergency home repairs and construction services at no cost to elderly, disabled and economically disadvantaged people unable to obtain home repairs through traditional means.
“Our inaugural Charity Clay Shoot last year attracted 130 participants and raised more than $25,000, and everyone that participated had a great time,” said Christi Pritchett, executive director of Builders Care. “The (event) is just as much fun for beginners as it is for skilled marksmen, so we’re hoping to draw even more participants this year.”
The entry cost is $200 for individual shooters and $650 for a four-person shooting team, and includes lunch. Cart rentals are an additional $50. Shooters may bring their own ammunition or purchase ammo at the event.
Land Solutions, Inc. is the presenting sponsor. Other event sponsors include Babcock Ranch, Barraco & Associates, Honc Industries and Stock Construction. Two additional sponsorship levels are still available:
Big Shot Sponsor: $1,500 for one shooting team, lunch and a cart, plus a company banner and recognition in all marketing materials.
Prize Sponsor: $2,500 for one shooting team, lunch and a cart, plus a company banner, recognition in all marketing materials and an opportunity to add a logo to awards.
For more information, please call 239- 938-0056 or email BuildersCare@bia.net.