Gates Construction Signs Long-Term Lease at Riverview
SUITE TALK August 31, 2015 admin

TJJD Holdings, LLC, d/b/a Gates Construction, has finalized a five-year lease for 11,639sf in The Riverview Corporate Center at 27599 Riverview Center Boulevard in Bonita Springs.
The center is owned by The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, a subsidiary of American International Group (AIG), and managed by Fort Myers-based CRE Consultants.
Randal L. Mercer, a founding partner of CRE, and Brandon Stoneburner, the company’s first vice president, represented AIG in the lease negotiations. According to Mercer, Gates’ tremendous growth and ongoing success prompted the need to “expand their infrastructure. We are thrilled to have them grow their business in Riverview.”
Craig D. Timmins, a principle with Investment Properties Corporation of Naples (IPC), represented TJJD Holdings, LLC, in the lease negotiations. He may be reached at 239-261-3400 Ext. 161 or craig@ipcnaples.com.
For more information on leasing opportunities at Riverview, please call Randal Mercer at 239-481-3800 Ext. 204 or email randal.mercer@creconsultants. com.