Suite Life Magazine
Golden Boat Lifts Announces Patent-Pending Solution for Bunk Systems Golden Boat Lifts Announces Patent-Pending Solution for Bunk Systems
  Golden Boat Lifts has developed a patent-pending Aluminum Drill-less Multi-Directional Adjustable Bunk Sys­tem, an innovative development aimed at improving efficiency and reliability for... Golden Boat Lifts Announces Patent-Pending Solution for Bunk Systems


Golden Boat Lifts has developed a patent-pending Aluminum Drill-less Multi-Directional Adjustable Bunk Sys­tem, an innovative development aimed at improving efficiency and reliability for marinas, marine contractors and boat trailer manufacturers.

The new system addresses a com­mon challenge in the marine and trailer industries: the time-consuming and often damaging process of drilling holes to install and adjust bunks. By eliminating the need for drilling, the system stream­lines installation and reconfiguration, saving time and preserving the structural integrity of materials. Its slotted alumi­num design, secured with carriage bolts, enables precise adjustments to accom­modate a wide variety of vessels without permanent alterations.

Golden Boat Lifts, based in Fort My­ers, is a leading innovator in marine lift systems and accessories. The company is dedicated to developing reliable, ef­ficient solutions for marinas, waterfront homeowners and boat trailer manufac­turers worldwide. For more information, please contact Don Lunardini at or 239-337-4141 ext. 236.