LandQwest’s Adam Palmer To Lead Florida CCIM Chapter
SUITE TALK September 28, 2017 admin

Adam Palmer, CCIM, has been named 2018 President of the Florida CCIM Chapter of CCIM Institute.
Palmer is a principal and managing director with LandQwest Commercial, a full-service commercial real estate firm based in Fort Myers.
LandQwest is the only company to have three past/ current Florida CCIM Chapter presidents. Besides Palmer, whose term begins in January, the group includes Cynthia Shelton, CCIM, CRE, senior managing director & qualifying broker (1996) and Kane Morris-Webster, CCIM, senior director (2011).
“I am truly honored to represent the approximately 900 chapter members across this great state,” said Palmer. “For 50 years, CCIM has been the benchmark of excellence for commercial real estate practitioners.”
Currently, Palmer is president- elect of the 2017 Florida CCIM Chapter, which boasts approximately 900 members statewide. He has also served as president of the Southwest Florida CCIM District and president of the Commercial Investment Professionals.
“We are extremely proud of Adam,” said John Mounce, LandQwest’s founding principal. “To be elected by his peers (reflects) his dedication, strong work ethic and reputation of success and integrity.”
In addition to Palmer, the other members of the 2018 Florida CCIM Chapter Executive Committee are: Tina Marie Eloian, CCIM, president-elect; Yakhin Israel, CCIM; vice president/ finance; Jose Maria Serrano, CCIM, vice president/chapter operations; Bev Larson, CCIM, vice president/administration; Bill Dehlinger, CCIM, vice president/education.
For more information on LandQwest or to reach Palmer, please visit LQWEST. com or call 239-275-4922. To learn more about CCIM chapters and CCIM Institute’s education and designation program, visit ccim.com.