As Lykins Signtek, Inc. grows, Kirk Fowler has joined the sign company as vice president. Fowler has extensive experience in the industry, with previous stints at ASI, Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO) and Sylvania. With his years of experience and range of knowledge on signs, design and sales, Fowler has already expanded the sales team’s projects.
Additionally, Lykins Signtek’s newest venture, YESCO Fort Myers, is servicing and nightly patrolling signage from Cape Coral to Marco Island. This entity is designed for the quick fix of all types of signs, including fluorescents, LED, message boards and channel letter repair. Businesses can also receive a phone call and follow-up email from one of YESCO Fort Myers’ nightly patrols regarding any sign problems at their buildings. Businesses can also contact YESCO Fort Myers to enter into a contract, which allows the entity to patrol businesses on a routine basis and provide them with recent photos of the signage on a specific day, letting them know that everything still looks good. YESCO Fort Myers can be found at YESCO.com/FortMyers/Lighting-Maintenance or by calling 239-594-8494.
Lykins Signtek designs and manufactures custom signs, mailboxes and street signage for developments, communities and businesses. To learn more, visit Lykins-Signtek.com.