Mitigation/Preparedness for 2020 Hurricane Season
ROUND TABLE September 14, 2020 admin

Hurricanes are one of nature’s most powerful and destructive occurrences. By knowing what actions to take, you can increase the likelihood your business will survive. Nevertheless, while hurricanes pose the greatest threat to life and property, tropical storms and depressions that spawn tornados can be equally devastating.
• Identify business exposures to specific hazards
• Ensure building meets code standards
• Develop a written emergency action plan
• Assign disaster responsibilities to specific employees
• Perform safety drills
• Have sandbags and/or boarding supplies on hand
• Weatherproof signage for lockdown information
• Perform a checkup to ensure adequate coverage
• Weigh the long-term investment of paying a higher premium for a lower wind deductible
• Take inventory and photos of furniture, equipment, electronics
• Inquire about business income (interruption) coverage
• Security in case of civil disorder
• Have all vehicles fueled ahead of storm, along with copies of title, registration, and insurance
• Have a lightning protection system (LPS) to provide a specified path on which lightning can travel
• Multiple sources for supply chains and inventory
• Backup all important documents (digitally and/or secondary location)
• Emergency cash on hand
• Lift inventory off the ground to prevent water exposure
• Have plastic sheeting to cover electronics
• Have a secondary internet provider for your network
• Backup power generator
• Solar power charging for mobile devices
• Adopt strategies to stay informed of weather watches and warnings (e.g., NOAA Weather Radio and commercial apps)
• Maintain a list of emergency contacts, then program them into multiple devices (with hard copies)
• Establish and monitor a social media account to provide operational information such as closings, etc. to the public
• Supply plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
• Know the signs of heat-related illness like heat cramps, exhaustion and stroke
• Keep your office cool with window coverings and shades
• Weather-strip doors and windows
• Use window reflectors to reflect heat back outside
• Add insulation to keep heat out
• Have battery operated fans for you and your staff
• Planning may be different because of the need to protect yourself and others
• Give yourself ample time to formulate a plan
• Protect yourself while running essential errands
• Stock up early on supplies to avoid crowds
• Follow guidance from the local public health or emergency management officials
• In case you need to evacuate, know your shelter location may be different this year.
Remember to train, educate, rehearse. Be ready before the storm.
Mary Gentile, CRX, CSM, is president of LandQwest Property Management, LLC, with 24+ years of commercial real estate experience, is active with ICSC, IREM, BOMA, is a NOAA Weather Ambassador, and is current president of REIS in SWFL. To contact her call 239-464-3277 or email mgentile@lqwest.com.