Nor-Tech Breaks Ground on Production Facility
SUITE TALK July 8, 2022 admin

Nor-Tech Hi-Performance Boats, a local custom boat manufacturer designer, is expanding operations with a new Cape Coral 30,000sf production facility near its headquarters in the North Cape Industrial Park.
Nor-Tech has additional production sites in North Fort Myers and St. Augustine. The company became known for its Big “V” Bottom power boats, and as consumer needs changed, Nor-Tech introduced its first center console models for fishing and two 80-foot yachts for clients.
Founded in 1991 in Cape Coral with just two employees, Nor-Tech has grown from 10,000sf of space to more than 170,000sf of production and operating space and more than 200 employees.
Nor-Tech plans to open the new production facility in early 2023. Please visit Nor-TechBoats.com for more information.