REIS Announces New Officers and Board
SUITE TALK March 28, 2016 admin

(Seated L to R): Secretary Alexis Crespo, Vice President Karen Miller, President Amanda L. Brock and Treasurer Bev Larson. (Standing L to R) Noel Davies, Mary Gentile, Peter Rossi, Chris Pacitto, Arleen Hunter, Bob Bassett, Bill Morris and Immediate Past President Matt Simmons.
The Real Estate Investment Society (REIS) recently announced its 2016 officers and Board of Governors. They are: President Amanda L. Brock, Esq., Henderson Franklin Starnes & Holt, PA; Vice President Karen Miller, GHD Services; Treasurer Bev Larson, CCIM, Lahaina Realty; and Secretary Alexis Crespo, AICP, Waldrop Engineering.
The Board of Governors includes: Bob Bassett of Branch Banking & Trust Co.; Noel Davies of Roetzel & Andress, LPA; Mary Gentile of LandQwest Property Management, LLC; Arleen Hunter of City of Bonita Springs; Bill Morris of Morris-Depew Associates; Chris Pacitto of Velocity Engineering Services; and Peter Rossi of Forge Engineering. Immediate Past President Matt Simmons of Maxwell, Hendry & Simmons, LLC, remains on the board.
REIS is an independent organization that represents a broad spectrum of real estate, environmental, financial, legal, design, construction, marketing and management companies. Information on membership and meeting programs is available at www.reis-swfl.org.