Suite Life Magazine
GCM Contracting Brings World’s First Automated Boat Storage and Retrieval System to Gulf Star Marina
about to hit the marina industry and a pair of Southwest Florida entrepreneurs are the first to ride it. Robert Brown, founder and CEO of GCM Contracting Solutions, and Todd Carroll, a longtime hotelier and commercial property owner, have teamed up to build Gulf Star Marina, which is poised... Read more
Hoffmann Family Elevates Standards for Southwest Florida’s Commercial Community
Few entrepreneurs in recent memory have had as great an impact on Southwest Florida as the Hoffmann family. Over the past six years, the family has acquired a half-billion dollars’ worth of real estate and operating businesses from Marco Island to Estero. The string of rapid-fire, high-profile acquisitions ranged... Read more
Tri-Town Construction

Tri-Town Construction

FEATURE September 10, 2019

In 2016, Marc Devisse was attending a golf tournament organized by the Bonita Springs Chamber of Commerce when the group’s president suggested that Devisse run for city council. Despite his lack of political experience, Devisse jumped into the race, campaigning nonstop around town even as he was growing the... Read more
CFS Roofing Services: Strong Foundation, Excellent Reputation Put Roofer on Top
When David Crowther drew up plans for a new roofing company in 2009, his living room was his office, his timing less than ideal. It was the height of the recession and the longtime roofer had split from his family’s roofing business. Regardless of the challenges, Crowther was determined... Read more
One of the keys to Cougar’s  success is the company’s  investment in technology. When Ron Schmitt started the  company’s Fort Myers operations  in 1981, he began with a $400  handheld gas saw that sprayed  dust and slurry. Today, Cougar team  members operate $50,000 concrete  saws that are Bluetooth-enabled  with... Read more
Cougar Makes Tracks in Southwest Florida
When Ron Schmitt pulled into Fort Myers in 1981, the assets of Cougar Cutting were the Buick he was driving and a concrete saw in the trailer he was pulling. “I couldn’t afford a truck,” chuckles Schmitt, who expanded the business from Michigan with his wife Shari, and his... Read more
Southwest Florida Firm Broadens Solutions for the Future
Anyone involved in the real estate business in Southwest Florida knows who Randy Thibaut is. For two decades, the high-profile CEO of Land Solutions has been associated with the major land deals that have transformed the region from a sleepy tourist destination to a major population center in Florida.... Read more
Seagate Development Group: Lends Experience, Expertise to Diverse Projects
The robust recovery of Southwest Florida’s residential market is now translating into commercial opportunity for many contractors and developers in the area, including Fort Myersbased Seagate Development Group. Propelled by experienced leadership and a diverse project portfolio, the company has rapidly emerged as one of the most successful builder-developers... Read more
Target Roofing & Sheet Metal: Local Roots, Lofty Goals Propel Fort Myers Company to New Heights
Judging from its achievements, it’s understandable why a young company like Fort Myers-based Target Roofing & Sheet Metal might be perceived as an “overnight” success. In less than four years, the company has become a leading provider of commercial roofing, maintenance and repair services, while its staff has grown... Read more
Lake Michigan Credit Union: Merger with Encore Bank Designed to Form a More Perfect Credit Union
Most multi-billion dollar businesses don’t merge with smaller companies, they acquire them. However, the recent merger between Lake Michigan Credit Union (LMCU) and Encore Bank represents more than numbers on a spreadsheet. It’s the perfect platform for joining similar cultures and achieving common goals. “Often, when the buyer is... Read more